Exercise and Sleep
Exercise can positively impact our sleep schedules. According to a National Sleep Foundation poll, people who describe themselves as exercising regularly reported getting better sleep than non-exercisers. People who reportedly exercised vigorously reported the best sleep. The poll also found that non-exercisers are the sleepiest during the day and have the highest risk for sleep apnea. “If you are inactive, adding a 10 minute walk every day could improve your likelihood of a good night’s sleep,” says Max Hirshkowitz, PhD. Even if you start slow with just ten minutes of walking three to five times a week, exercising can lead you to getting a better night's sleep.
However, according to the National Sleep Foundation, "sleep experts have cautioned people to avoid strenuous exercise right before sleep and even up to three hours before bedtime. That's because exercise raises your body temperature, increases circulation and respiration, and releases endorphins, which can provide a feeling of euphoria, all of which can interfere with immediate sleep. Getting the right amounts of exercise and sleep during the day can improve your health tremendously.